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Solar Investment is Smart, Safe and Sustainable

There are growing incentive options for New York homeowners and business owners alike. Energy Paradiso provides proprietary investment and savings analysis for your project. We’ll calculate multiple options for the timing and percentage of your return on investment. Our financing network monitors the latest solar incentive funds and tax rebates to be sure you’re afforded every cost-saving opportunity.


6 NYC Incentives as of Jan. 2010

  • Utility rates in NYC increased an average of 8.4% annually between ‘02 and ‘07, a 40% jump;
  • Returns in New York can exceed 16% (a conservative estimate). Which current markets yield such returns consistently?

    Renting electricity? Owning your power increases cash flow & property value immediately –
  • The National Appraisers Institute; states, "The value of a home increases 20x it’s annual savings in electricity. So if you save $1,000, your home value increases $20,000 without increasing property taxes."


Solar Makes Sense

It’s secure, sustainable energy that increases the value of your home and builds healthier communities. Beautiful!


  • Federal Tax Credit
  • State Tax Credit
  • NYSERDA Grant
  • Property Tax Exemption
  • Property Tax Abatement
  • Solar Sales Tax Exemption


6 NYC Incentives as of Jan. 2010

Control costs while demonstrating environmental & clean energy commitments.

Does your business have –

  • Intensive Hot Water Use?
  • High Electricity Rates?
    (New York's electricity rates are second only to Hawaii.)

Factors like these make your business a strong candidate for solid solar returns.


Solar Yields Savings

It’s secure, sustainable energy that keeps new jobs local and builds New York’s economy, drawing new industry to the state. Great!


  • Federal Tax Credit/Grant
  • NYSERDA Grant
  • Property Tax Exemption
  • Property Tax Abatement
  • Accelerated Depreciation (MACRS)
  • Utility Grant for Solar Thermal (which saves natural gas)


Steve Gilbert, Founder/President
e: Steve@EnergyParadiso.com
p: 646.373.1023